Super Plus Beblesh Balm Pink Label Triple Functions (40g)


* 清爽保湿配方- 适合混合性偏油至油性皮膚使用
* 控油防汗(特別适合我国潮湿天气使用)
* 防晒度 SPF 25 PA ++ 能有效抵抗UVA同UVB, 减低色斑的产生
* 加強抗皱、美白功能




此款产品的防晒功效特别好, 在韩国被叫做夏日专用款, 实际上它卓越紫外线隔离效果也是365日我们都需要的.由于含有了防皱等保养功效, 更适合于各年龄层的女性使用. 吸收迅速而清爽的感觉使皮肤感觉舒适, UVA&UVB双重紫外线隔离效果使皮肤即使在阳光下也感觉舒适自如. 在公害, 疲劳, 干燥等外部环境中可以保护皮肤不受侵害. 此款修颜效果最佳,是MM们对完美肌肤追求的最佳伴侣.

B.B霜是Blemish Balm的简称,这个东西其实是用在医学美容上的,说简单一点,就是"伤痕保养霜",当初的研发就是为了提供给雷射治疗的人来使用,一般人雷射后会出现剥皮或脱皮的状态,因此涂抹之后,会让皮肤再生,不只修饰伤疤,更有保养的功能......


BB Cream可以作为日霜、隔离霜、修饰霜使用。只要使用薄薄一层就可以达到保养及修饰的效果,不需要涂上厚重的粉底,轻薄透气,肤色明亮!

【多种功效,一次达成Multi Touch Solution】


○添加與肌膚親和力佳的Oil-free Type的 W/S(Water in Silicone)處方,讓您一整天都能清爽不黏膩,保持滑嫩肌膚。
○依照Skin Mirror System,不論多久時間,都能保持如剛上妝般的水嫩光澤。
○ 能更輕鬆貼近肌膚的Fitting system,令肌膚有如絲綢般光滑柔軟、更舒服健康。
○ 混合向日葵、米糠和長春藤的萃取物而研發出來之新概念防護因子成分,更能有效的保護肌膚。
○ 添加保溼效果極佳的Ceramides、蓮花萃取物、植物複合素(枸杞萃取物、五味茶萃取物、山茱萸萃取物)、綠茶、馬齒莧等成分,讓您無論何時都能擁有水嫩肌膚。
○ MADECASSOSIDE 、枸杞萃取物、五味茶萃取物、山茱萸萃取物等成分,使肌膚更能維持健康狀態。


- Whitening
- UV Protection SPF25 PA++
- Wrinkle Free

What is BB Cream?

BB Cream (also known as Blemish Balm), is extremely popular in Korea and gaining popularity in Taiwan and Singapore, this BB cream was originally prescribed to sooth and promote healing of the skin after laser treatments. Now, it is repackaged to replace the liquid foundation with the original capabilities of the BB cream, as well as provide whitening and UV protection (SPF25 PA++).

And Skin79 is one of the most famous BB Cream brand name in Korea. Different types of Skin79 BB Cream have different functions.

They are certified different functions such as sun protection, winkle free, whitening by Korean Government and they have moisturizing function. Also, they can excellently concealing any types of pigmentation or discoloration area on face including acne, coupe rose, age spots, sun spots and dark circles. They provide perfect coverage without clogging skin pores.

They can excellently concealing any types of pigmentation or discoloration area on face including acne, coupe rose, age spots, sun spots and dark circles. They provide perfect coverage without clogging skin pores.

BB Cream not only replaces make-up base/primer, foundation, concealer, but also sun block cream, and have winkle free, whitening function. Only using one BB Cream can skip complicated skincare and make-up process. It also encourages skin regeneration.

BB cream users even indicated that they found the product helped to control their excessive facial oil and improved their overall skin texture overtime.

BB Cream 包含的成份?

BB Cream 基本的成份是大豆、甘草、黃岑、植物複合素成份(Phyto Complex)、維他命E 等.但不同效用的BB Cream 會加入其他不同的成份。例如,為加強美白效能,會加入熊果素.

BB Cream 搽上後的顏色?

一般來說,BB cream 本身的顏色較深,但均勻搽上面後,開始時會覺得較皮膚白,但約15分鐘後,待皮膚完全吸收,皮膚便會顯得自然、有光澤。自然覆蓋皮膚不規則的缺點,但又不會給人有化妝的感覺。



Difference Between Pink and Gold BB Cream:

PINK contains Phyto Complex ingredient which is good for skin moisturizing and soothing makes your skin always moist and healthy.

GOLD contains Gold and Caviar extract that care the skin intensively to make shiny, healthy skin. Hence PINK is suitable for oily/combination skin or those prone to clogged pores, while GOLD is suitable for dry skin or those who want wrinkly improvement.

超自然遮瑕無妝感的SKIN 79目前在韓國的人氣王SKIN79已經寫下賣出70萬瓶bb cream的紀錄,最受歡迎的原因在於SKIN79的超完美自然遮瑕無感妝,讓水水在維持美麗的過程中,也漸漸得以改善問題皮膚,這就是bb cream的魅力所在!

幾乎大部分的女性都拜倒在它的自然妝感下,這也同時模糊了它一樣可以修護肌膚的焦點,SKIN79的bb cream 有七合一的功能,包含鎖水、修護、美白、防紫外線、抗皺、控油、提供養分等。

最有人氣的是Derma RX 多功能修護BB CREAM,也是它帶領著SKIN79拿下人氣王的封號,極受好評的SKIN79,使用起來一點也沒有負擔感,不只提供肌膚養分,還內含Nano CoQ10,難怪,會有那麼多愛好者一天沒有它就不行!

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