

玫瑰面膜 (Rose Mask)

Suitable for all skin types especially sensitive skin.

成份: 玫瑰萃取精华,VIT—A.C.E,锁水组织分子,初乳蛋白产品

Natural Rose Extracts, Hydro Molecule Collagen, Hyaluronic Acid, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice, Enzyme, and Vitamin E Oil that gives you a supple and radiant skin.


1. 释放有效植物性贺尔蒙成份给肌肤,适合长熬夜、脸色暗沉得肌肤
2. 使您的肌肤柔软和富有光泽,并达到柔嫩,细致,保湿的美颜
3. 美白肌肤,让您拥有明亮而白皙的肌肤
4. 防止皱纹,增加皮肤弹性适合任何肤质的人使用特别是敏感肤质的用者。

使用方法:脸部清洁后,取出一片与肌肤密合,于20—30分钟后取下。适合经常熬夜,肌肤暗哑的GGMM, 有提亮肤色,美白的效果. 熬夜的损失,一片就补回来了!

Rose extracts has calming, moisturizing, astringent, and cleaning effects and balances the fatigued skins by supplying nutrients that are needed.
Especially, it is helpful to sensitive and weak skin types, leaving it healthy and bright and makes you feel refreshed.


1. Rejuvenate cells, refresh dull and tired looking skin
2. Giving your skin a supple and radiant look
3. To whiten and re-hydrate your skin
4. Prevent wrinkles by increasing skin elasticitySuitable for all skin types especially sensitive skin.

全方位胶原面膜 (All-in-One Collagen Mask)

Skin type : Suitable for ALL skin type


All In One Collagen Mask contains Hydro Molecules, Collagen, Hyaluronic Acid, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice, Enzyme, Vitamin A,C,E, that helps to replenish the loss of moisture, giving you a more supple, firm, moist and most important fairer, younger looking skin.


1. 保濕→ 強化肌膚保水、鎖水功能,為皮膚保濕的重要功臣。
2. 彈力→ 即時補充膠原蛋白,維持肌膚長效豐潤、水嫩細緻。
3. 緊實→ 促使膠原蛋白生成,使肌膚恢復緊實、彈性。
4. 光滑→ 促进膠原增生,改善臉上疤痕及小瑕疵。适合任何肤质的人使用。


This collagen anti-wrinkle mask helps you to get a firm & elastic skin. The formula helps you to restore skin structure and radiant.

It also retains & replenishes moisture in the skin to prevent wrinkle from forming and maintains a youthful appearance by reducing signs of aging.

For first time users, a light rash or tingling feeling is a normal reaction.


1. To whiten and re-hydrate your skin
2. Prevent wrinkles by increasing skin elasticity
3. To repair and re-conceal wounds and sunken scars
4. To facilitates the recovery of skin metabolism
5. Modulate and stabilizes skin pH